Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Emulated Tuesday

Hey guys

Today I bring news of a neat little discovery I made, a Wii and Gamecube emulator called Dolphin. So what's an  emulator you might ask? Well Trevor it's a program that allows you to play games designed for console X on your PC, pretty awesome I know! So now your next question is probably where can I get a PS3/Xbox360 emulator? Well I'm pretty sure if you Google it you find one or two, but they won't be worth much since they won't be able to play any real games on them as it takes the developers a few years to perfect the emulation on the PC. As an example the PS2 emulator has only recently become a worthwhile download as it is only able to with a fairly decent PC, play some of the games perfectly, but still not quite as perfect as on console, but the project has definitely made some progress. That being said it takes a fair amount of tech know-how to setup these emulators and they may not work fully with all titles, but they are awesome applications none the less. If you are interested check out the websites below:

Dolphin (Gamecube/Wii)

PCSX2 (Playstation 2)

Then another hilarious video from RWJ:

and last but certainly not least I leave you guys with a bit of Cyanide and Happiness

Until later...

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net


~Andrew Wilson said...

Awesome comic :D

Jazzycakes said...

Interesting with the wii emulator, i loved used snes / gameboy emulators back in the day haha

J Mo said...

Lol, the comic's clever

Flav @ Photo Debate said...

So... instead of aimlessly surfing youtube, i can just watch this guy tell me what's new :D
I'll subscribe him immediately!

Jaco Kloppers said...

Yeah! That guy is pretty awesome his my first stop when I hit YouTube!

Squall said...

In my opinion the games are hardly playable today with a wii emulator, or have you tried it yourself?

Jaco Kloppers said...

Actually I have only tried resident evil myself, but it was the Gamecube version, I'm trying to get my hands on a few Wii games to try them, but I am quite impressed with the progress of the emulator, considering that Wii emulation should only be in it's infancy

Dr. Steve said...

gotta love cyanide.